Order Confirmation Email - After placing an online order with us, you will receive an order confirmation email in your inbox. This email has specific details about the products you ordered, the quantity, your order #, the payment details, as well as a link to a PDF copy of your receipt. Your order confirmation email will have your order number in the subject line and will look something like this "Order #000000 confirmed".

 Pre-Order Info email is different than a Order Confirmation email. This email with the subject line 'Pre-Order Info' is sent in addition to the order confirmation email for those customers who have placed an order for a product that is on pre-order.

The Canadian Shield also periodically sends email updates or newsletters to your inbox for outstanding orders. If you don't believe you have ever received any of the emails mentioned above, here are some tips:

  • Check your junk mailbox 
  • Confirm you didn't use another email address

    If you still can't find anything, Please contact our team by submitting a Customer Support Ticket

    We'll need the following info: first and last name used on the order, what you ordered, the email address that should've been used, the shipping address, and the date the order would've been made. 
    • If you know what the typo email was, that's also helpful. 
    • Our team will do our best to locate your order and update it with the correct email address. Once that's fixed, we can re-send the online order confirmation or email update for your records.